At Singlife, we continually review our policies to ensure they remain competitive and relevant to your healthcare needs.
As such, we’ve revised the benefits and premiums of our Singlife Shield and Singlife Health Plus plans to better support policyholders while addressing rising medical costs.
To reward healthier lifestyles, we’ve increased the No Claims Discount (NCD) for Singlife Health Plus to 20% from 15% previously. This applies to all new policies and renewals where no claims are paid under Singlife Shield or Singlife Health Plus during the assessment period.
This means that as long as the total claims paid under your Singlife Shield and Singlife Health Plus plan is S$0, you’ll continue to qualify for the NCD at your renewal, regardless of any claims paid through MediShield Life (MSHL). This is our way of affirming our commitment to providing value for policyholders while encouraging healthier living and keeping premiums sustainable.
* The total claim payout amount excludes claims paid by MediShield Life and will be adjusted if there is any refund from other insurance policies covering the same life assured.
Singlife Shield and Singlife Health Plus premiums will be raised from 1 April 2025. These are also in line with increases to the premiums for MediShield Life, the basic health insurance plan, administered by the Central Provident Fund (CPF) Board.
Premiums will now increase gradually with age instead of by broad age bands, This tailored structure allows us to continue providing comprehensive protection while moderating the impact of premium increases as policyholders grow older.
We understand premium adjustments can cause concerns and we are here to help. If you feel your current plan no longer aligns to your current needs, we have put alternatives in place for you to consider, including switching to a more affordable plan and/or rider (e.g., switching from Singlife Health Plus Private Prime to Singlife Health Plus Private Lite). You may contact your Financial Adviser Representative to explore the options.
For the latest Singlife Shield and Singlife Health Plus premium rates, please refer to your premium notification letter or view them here.
For more details on the changes to MediShield Life benefits and premiums, please refer to the press release here.
Singlife Shield’s Inpatient and Outpatient Cell, Tissue and Gene Therapy benefit upon policy renewal will now align with the Ministry of Health’s (MOH) guidelines. This is to ensure the coverage we provide is focused on clinically approved and effective treatments while maintaining long-term sustainability.
- Coverage will apply only to treatments listed on the MOH Cell, Tissue and Gene Therapy Products (CTGTP) list.
- Each policyholder is eligible for one treatment per lifetime for each CTGTP under this benefit.
(Exclusive to Singlife)
To help minimise out-of-pocket medical costs, we’ve retained the co-insurance caps when you seek treatment at Singlife’s preferred medical providers. Should you seek treatment at other non-preferred medical providers, note that you'll have to pay the full co-insurance amount.
This means if you seek treatment at Singlife’s preferred medical providers, the amount you’ll pay out of pocket for the co-insurance stays capped at:
These caps provide assurance and predictability, allowing you to better plan for your healthcare expenses.
Why has Singlife increased my premiums even though I have not made any claims?
Singlife Shield is an Integrated Shield Plan (IP) that consists of two components:
MediShield Life - administered by the CPF Board, covering subsidised bills for B2/C wards in public hospitals.
Additional Private Insurance Coverage - provided by Singlife, offering enhanced benefits, including coverage for private hospitals.
With Singlife Shield, you will receive the combined benefits of MediShield Life and additional private insurance coverage. Your total premium may be adjusted due to changes in either MediShield Life or Singlife Shield or both plans.
The Ministry of Health (MOH) announced in October 2024, that MediShield Life premiums will go up due to higher claims and expanded coverage.
The premium increase will be capped at 35% and put in place gradually, over three years, from April 2025 to March 2028. More information can be found at
At Singlife, we regularly review our Shield plans (IPs) and riders to ensure they continue to meet your long term medical and hospitalisation needs. Due to rising healthcare consumption and costs, we will have to adjust premiums from 1 April 2025, in line with the MediShield Life premium revision.
Good news for policyholders who have not made any claims and remain in good health, they will get a better No Claims Discount for Singlife Health Plus. This will be increased from 15% to 20%.
Are there additional benefits or changes to the plan with this premium increase?
Yes, with the premium adjustment, we will enhance and update some features in your plan:
1. Increased No Claims Discount
The No Claims Discount for Singlife Health Plus will go up from 15% to 20% for policyholders who have not made any claims under your Singlife Shield and Singlife Health Plus policies.
2. Co-insurance Cap Retained
The co-insurance cap at preferred providers will stay the same, to help you manage out-of-pocket expenses.
3. Revised Cell, Tissue, and Gene Therapy Benefit
Coverage has been raised to $150,000 per treatment per lifetime for MOH-approved cell, tissue, and gene therapy treatments.
For more details on these updates, please see above.
What options do I have if I cannot afford the adjusted premium?
We understand that some policyholders may find the premium adjustments out of their budget. Rest assured that we are here to help. If your current plan no longer suits your needs, we have alternatives for you to consider including switching to a more affordable plan. You may contact your Financial Adviser Representative (FAR) to review your Singlife Shield and Singlife Health Plus plans to ensure they continue to meet your needs.
During the review, your FAR can:
· Explain the recent changes in benefits and premiums.
· Provide clarity on how these updates may affect your coverage.
· Explore options that better suit your budget and needs.
If you are facing financial difficulties or prefer not to continue with your current Integrated Shield Plan, you may consider switching to a lower priced and lower coverage plan (if available). Your FAR can advise you on the implications of any changes to your coverage.
How does Singlife manage claims costs?
The cost of claims fluctuates based on the size and number of claims submitted by policyholders. From the post-COVID period, healthcare consumption has increased due to several factors, including:
· An aging population;
· Medical advancements;
· Greater awareness of early disease detection; and
· A rise in injuries related to sports and active lifestyles.
To manage claims effectively, we work closely with our healthcare provider partners and regularly review our policies and pricing to ensure sustainable coverage for all policyholders.
Why is the coverage for Cell, Tissue and Gene Therapy (CTGTP) limited to only one treatment per lifetime?
CTGTP is typically used as a one-off treatment when standard conventional treatments (i.e., chemotherapy) for a particular condition have failed. As the treatment is highly specific and unique to the individual, it is generally used only once. If there is no response to the treatment, a second round using the same engineered CTGTP is unlikely to be beneficial.
This approach also aligns with the MediShield Life coverage for CTGTP treatments, which will be extended later this year.