Read these important notes before you begin
  1. All sections of our forms must be duly completed to avoid unnecessary delay. Indicate as “N.A.” if not applicable.

  2. Where softcopies are submitted to us, please retain the original document for at least 6 months as we may request to sight the original copy.

  3. Any fees for completion of the Doctor’s Statement and/or medical evidence shall be borne by the claimant(s).

  4.  All overseas documents must be certified by a Notary Public of the country where documents are produced.

  5. All documents must be in English. Any documents which are in foreign languages must be officially translated to English by a certified translator.


Mode of Payment

For a better payment experience, Individual Life (i.e. non-Corporate or General Insurance policies) SGD payments to the Assured (Policyholder) will be credited to the bank account linked to the Assured (Policyholder)’s PayNow-NRIC/FIN. Please check that you have registered for PayNow with your bank, using your NRIC/FIN.

Download claim forms
Forms to be completed by the Life Assured
Living & Disability Benefit Claim Form – Claimant’s Statement
Declaration of Beneficial Owner
Doctor's Statement to be completed by the attending doctor
Absence of Two Limbs
Anal Atresia
Atrial / Ventricular Septal Defect
Cleft Lip & Cleft Palate
Club Foot
Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia
Development Dysplasia of the Hip
Down's Syndrome
Spina Bifida
Trancheo-esophageal Fistula or Esophageal Atresia
Hospital Care / Stem Cell Treatment / Developmental Delay Benefit
Abruptio Placentae
Amniotic Fluid Embolism
Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation
Fatty Liver of Pregnancy
HELLP Syndrome
Placenta Increta or Percreta
Postpartum Haemorrhage requiring Hysterectomy
Pre-Eclampsia or Eclampsia
Still Birth
Surgical Site Infection Following Caesarian Section
Uterine Infection or Transfusion Due to Retained Placenta
Uterine Rupture
Prepare the necessary documents for your claim
  1. Living & Disability Benefit Claim Form – Claimant’s Statement to be completed by Assured (Policyholder) 

  2. Living Benefit Claim – Doctor’s Statement of the relevant benefit (to be completed by the attending doctor)

  3. Copy of all diagnostic reports, including resting ECGs, exercise stress test, troponin results, enzymes assays, isotope studies imaging coronary angiography, blood tests, ultrasound, biopsy, histopathology report, CT scans, other imaging studies, laboratory tests results, Inpatient Discharge Summary and any relevant hospital reports that are available 

  4. Toxicology report (if any) 

  5. Copy of final hospital bills & receipts (Interim invoices are not acceptable) for Hospital Cash Benefit 

  6. Police report including any investigation notes

  7. Copy of Identity Card or Passport of the Life Assured/Insured Person 

  8. Copy of Birth Certificate of the child

  9. Any other documents that support the claim (e.g. official certificate of appointment of the legal guardian of minor’s beneficiary) 
Submit your claim through your preferred channel

Financial Adviser Representative or Intermediaries


Email to:


Please use the email subject: 

Claim Submission: [Policy Number] - [Type of Claim]