What to do when you’re locked out of your account?

For security reasons, your account will be locked temporarily when there have been multiple incorrect password attempts. 

Please wait 10 minutes for your account to be unlocked before proceeding to change your password via the ‘Forgot password?’ method. 

On your Singlife App: 

Step 1: Tap on ‘Forgot password’ on the login screen.

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Step 2: Enter your phone number associated with your Singlife App and tap on ‘Reset via Email’. You’ll receive an email with instructions on how to reset the password.

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You're all set! You'll now be able to access your Singlife Account.

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I have forgotten my Singlife App password. How do I reset it?

On your Singlife App:

Step 1: At the login screen, tap on ‘Forgot Password’.

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Step 2: Enter your phone number associated with your Singlife App and tap on ‘Reset via Email’. You’ll receive an email with instructions on how to reset the password.

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You're all set! You'll now be able to access your Singlife Account.

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How can I set a new pin and enable biometrics?

On your Singlife App:

Step 1: Tap on ‘Settings’.

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Step 2: Tap on ‘App Security’.

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Step 3: Tap on ‘Pin’ to set your new pin.

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Step 4: Enter and confirm your new 4-digit pin.

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Step 5: Tap on ‘Fingerprint/Face’ to enable biometric login.

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Step 6: Authorise biometric login with your 4-digit pin.

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How can I view my Singlife Account transaction details?

On your Singlife App:

Step 1: In the Singlife Account dashboard, your recent transactions can be viewed under ‘’Account Details”. Alternatively, tap on “Show all”.

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Step 2: Tap on ‘Show more’ to view detailed transactions.

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How can I view my Singlife Account policy documents?

On your Singlife App: 

Step 1: Tap on ‘Manage Account’ in your Singlife Account dashboard.

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Step 2: Tap on ’Documents’.

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Step 3: Tap on the document you would like to view.

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What is the Singlife App for, besides having a sign-up function for the Singlife Account?

The app facilitates a connected financial services experience via the Singlife Account, in which you can track your returns and spend transactions as well as qualification for bonus campaigns.

You can also:

  • Sign up for Singlife Sure Invest, our app-exclusive Investment-Linked Policy
  • View your policy details across Singlife and 6 other insurers on Singlife’s BetterView, powered by SGFinDex


Does the Singlife App allow me to view my other Singlife policies?

Yes. Singlife’s BetterView enables you to view your policy details across Singlife and 6 other insurers securely at one go via dashboard on the Singlife App. Powered by Singapore Financial Data Exchange (SGFinDex), BetterView retrieves your insurance portfolio upon your approval for your secure viewing. Gain a better understanding of your insurance portfolio and coverage through a guided overview. ​


To set up BetterView, visit https://singlife.com/en/sgfindex

Must I use the Singlife App to apply for a Singlife Account?

Yes, the Singlife Account can only be applied and accessed via the Singlife App, including monitoring your balance and spends.


1A daily spending limit is set at S$5,000. An annual spending limit is set at S$30,000 on a 365-day rolling basis. 



This webpage is published for information only and Singapore Life Ltd. accepts no liability whatsoever with respect to its use or its contents. 

The information contained here is accurate as at Feb 2024.