When will I receive my renewal invitation?

We'll send you your renewal notice via email and SMS 60 days prior to the expiry date.

I have not received a renewal notice. What should I do?

You can email us at personal_insurance@singlife.com or, if your renewal date is imminent, call us at +65 6827 9933.

I was involved in an accident before my current policy expiry date, but I have already purchased or renewed my policy with Singlife. How will this affect my policy?

There are three possible scenarios:

(Non-fault claims) If you were involved in an accident, where you were informed to be not at fault, we won’t penalise you and your NCD won’t be affected.

(At-fault claims) If you were involved in an accident where you were at fault, your NCD, and subsequently your renewal, will be affected. An additional premium will apply for the cover to continue for the renewed year.

(Liability status not confirmed) If you were involved in an accident where the liability hasn’t been confirmed, an additional premium may apply for the cover to continue for the renewed year. When the liability status is confirmed, and you are informed to be not at fault, we’ll refund any additional premium paid.

How can I reduce my renewal premium?

You may reduce your renewal premium by increasing the own damage policy excess of your policy, or by restricting the number of insured drivers under the policy.

Can I renew my policy if my policy has lapsed?

No. Under such circumstances, you'll have to purchase a new policy.

This webpage is published for information only and Singapore Life Ltd. accepts no liability whatsoever with respect to its use or its contents. 

The information contained here is accurate as at 16 Aug 2022.